
Miles and Miles of Smiles...

Smiles ! How can someone hate smiles you might wonder... how much of a sociopath or how messed up that person must be !!?!
Well...perhaps it is true...perhaps not...but ykwih? I hate smiles regardless of how people categorize them.

If you set aside the one or two true types of smiles that carry something worthwhile and of which you are sure, you will see that almost all the smiles we run into during our days are fake gestures loaded with feelings of carelessness, disrespect, dishonesty, disgust, distrust.

I've seen smiles sharper than the edge of a betrayal knife, ones that make you feel all warm and nice before you realize that the heat is because you've been set ablaze and others that could make you feel like the least significant thing on the face of this earth

I have smiled back as well...with the dry bitter taste of acid repugnance in my mouth making sure I keep my teeth so nicely clinched together....and I hate myself for it...

Instead, I will stick to frowns....they tend to be way more honest, and much more straight to the point...they say..I dislike you, I hate you, I am upset with you, I am upset with myself...I have issues and now would be the time for you to NOT come and smile to me...

So...please...a Frown...My Kingdom for a Frown....

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